iPad Alerts Headline Animator

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Everything iPhone

I shot this photo with my iphone 4S using an iphone macro/ wide lens.

Then I edited in Snapseed iphone app and added texts in Phonto.


I wonder if the new Samsung Galaxy can do this?

Need comments below ⬇

Thank you!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Diamond Dash App Update

Diamond Dash has a NEW POWER!

Check it out and update now!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, April 23, 2012

Pimp Up Your Photos With iPhone App Phonto

Do you want to add text, words or thoughts on your photos?

Well, Phonto is the right app for you.

It's FREE.
And it comes with quite a number of font styles, colors and cool features like if you want to tilt your texts to make it more hip or funky or enlarge your text for bolder experience .

My fave features on this iphone app is the "Background".

It allows you to put any colour background on your iphone photos text or words and control its opacity, change the hues, saturation or modes.

It's quite fast to navigate too.

This app is really cool!
You should try it.

Ok. That's all for now.
See you on my next iphoneography iphone tips and tutorials.
Please don't forget to subscribe.

Thank you.

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

iPhone/ iPad Quick Tips: Assistive Touch

iPhone/ iPad Quick Tips:
Assistive Touch

Been using your poor iPhone/iPad Home Button tons of times that you're scared one day it will just give up on you?

There's a solution to that!

STOP using your iphone's Home button now and activate Assistive Touch instead.

Go to :


Once you activate it,
You can now start using your iPhone or iPad's Assistive Touch' Home Button instead of the original Home Button.

Just a note. Keep it docked on the bottom-right side corner so it won't disturb you while your playing games.

That's all for now. Hope this simple iphone/ipad quick tips have helped you in some ways.

Stay tuned for more iPhone/ iPad apps Tips and Tricks.

Don't forget to subscribe!


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my iPhone

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I Love PicFX iPhoneography App

I've downloaded picFx iphone
app and I sooooo love it!
I suggest you try it too if you're into iphoneography or just love to tweak and make your photos more exciting to look at.
It's a MUST for instagrammers.

Here's a shot I took this morning while on my way to office.

I played around with picFX and check out what I got.

With Scratch effect.

With a Frame.

Cross processed.

Grunge effect.

Sepia effect.

Vintage effect.

With Paint Texture effect.

With Dot effect.

And many, many more!
You need to explore picfx yourself to have fun.

So install it now!
It's worth your $$.

Ok. That's all for now ipHoneographers and iPhone addicts.

Don't forget to hit on Subscribe for more iphone tips.


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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Macro Shots Day 2

First things first.
I have taken some sample Macro shots with my new iPhone 4S lens and look at the result.

It's awesome and
I sooooo love it!

I am sharing these photos with no editing or color enhancements whatsoever.

Enjoy and please , please, pretty please subscribe. Haha!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, March 12, 2012

Unboxing My iPhone Macro/Wide Lens

Wow! My iPhone Macro/Wide Lens just arrived!

Check out the unboxing.

Will be posting sample macro/ wide shots on my next thread so don't forget to subscribe!

Sooooo excited!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone